Monday 21 May 2012

Kidney Stone Variety of Reasons for Formation and Treatment

Kidney stones or stones in the urinary tract stones are formed and include kidney stones in the kidney and urinary cavity leader, speaking of the upper urinary tract.

Kidney disease can rock in a variety of reasons, and therefore the severity of the disease varies greatly, from a single case with a small stone that runs by itself, a permanent severe disease with numerous hospitalizations and risk of failure impairment and death. The risk of kidney stones at some point in life, 10-15% for men and 5.3% for women. This is almost a fifth of men and 20 women with kidney stones. Have you ever had kidney stones, 50% risk of new stone formation in the next 10 years. If you have received the first stone at an early age, the risk is even greater.

If you drink more water, urinating frequently, and every time the kidney stone removal report reviews are removed by the kidneys. More water thorough the urethra will push the stones in the bladder, although it is slightly larger. Even if it causes pain, relieves most kidney stones. If you perform removal treatments kidney stone, you are left with fragments of stone in the kidney, most of the time. If you know the secret of washing the tiles, you can stop the development of stones.

These substances may be calcium oxalate, uric acid, cysteine, or hexane. These salts can be highly concentrated in certain circumstances: if the volume of urine is significantly reduced chronic thirst and dehydration, or if unusually high amounts of crystal-forming salts (infection). When not the concentration of a point at which the dissolved salts reach, fall and form of crystals.

An important note for anyone with health cure review is to avoid foods or cold drinks. Cold drinks cool and weakens internal organs, especially kidneys and spleen.

Most stones are calcium based, which is important, excessive consumption of milk, butter, cheese and other foods to avoid taking calcium-rich dairy products. If you had a kidney stone should not exceed one gram of calcium a day - equivalent to about three glasses of skim milk.

Salt and spices with a high salt content should also be avoided. Sal restriction help reduce the concentration of calcium in urine. You must reduce your sodium intake to two to three grams per day. In addition to the limitation of high-salt condiments like ketchup and mustard, reduce the consumption of processed meats and pickles, and snacks like chips and cookies.

The best way to prevent "kidney stone removal report review info" is to drink plenty of water every day. Increase your fiber intake and reduced meat consumption. Try coffee, tea and colas from your diet and eliminate. As always, exercise can prevent your body can stay healthy and active stones can form.

Beans, cocoa, instant coffee, parsley, rhubarb, spinach and black tea caused all loaded with oxalate stone.

The daily value of vitamin C is only 60 milligrams, but many people swallow more benefits from the healing properties of many vitamin C. It is particularly important for people with kidney stones, not vitamin C, so jumps with great enthusiasm. Some doctors recommend that if you take vitamin C, was kept below 500 milligrams. This is because a product of metabolism of vitamin C, oxalate, half of the most common kidney stone.

The reason for the formation of kidney stones is complex and partially undissolved. Calcium stones account for 75-85% of all urinary tract stones. If the urine-saturated calcium, this fall, oxalate, phosphate or both in the form of calcium stones, such as X-ray is shown by the calcium content. In 5% of cases the cause of formation of calcium regulating hormones are elevated in the adrenal glands. Urinary acidity (pH) may also play a role in the excretion of phosphate and oxalate. Stone formation due to infection occurs in 10-15% of cases. The stones size of a can at times substantial and understand the entire kidney. Uric acid stones, representing 8.5%, due to elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, which represents 1% due to an inherited disease, increasing the amino acid cystine excretion slightly soluble.

1 comment:

  1. There are many different homeopathic remedies that can be used to help provide relief from kidney stones. The most important thing to remember is to consult with a qualified homeopath to make sure you are using the correct remedy for your specific situation. If you are suffering from kidney stones then contact to the best homeopathy doctor for kidney stones.
